What is EBCU

EBCU is a non-political, non-religious organisation formed in 1990 to give voice to the beer consumer at the European level, both within and beyond the European Union (EU).

Membership of EBCU is open to all non-exclusive national organisations of beer consumers, provided they are independent of all outside influence, represent the beer consumer and can wholeheartedly endorse the following Aims and Objectives:

  • To preserve and maintain the diversity of the traditional European beer cultures, with particular regard to local, regional and national brewing and beer styles
  • To protect the consumer from the imposition of unfair pricing by opposing unreasonable taxation or exploitative business practices
  • To ensure that the consumer receives the best factual information about any beer on commercial sale

We will take whatever steps we feel necessary, including lobbying, advertising, publishing or other campaigning methods, to gain the widest possible support for these Aims and Objectives.

EBCU will aim to act as an umbrella group for its constituent organizations, acting as a resource to make the work of national groups easier and more effective.  It will not impose any restriction or obligation on its member groups beyond insisting on their adherence to the shared Aims and Objectives.



EBCU was formed in May 1990 by the national beer consumer organisations of Belgium, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.  It has since expanded to include like-minded national groups from Austria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Poland, Sweden and Switzerland.  Other national groups are set to join soon. See them all here….