Homebrewing Competitions

Homebrewing competitions

The following homebrewing competitions are organized by our member organisations:

Austrian Beer Challenge (austrianbeerchallenge.at), organized by BierIG (Austria).
The competition has both commercial and homebrewed beers.
Campionato Italiano Homebrewing (www.movimentobirra.it/mobi-campionato-italiano-qr-code/), organized by MoBi (Italy).
A 6-stage competition plus a final stage.
Competición Nacional (nacional.cerveceros-caseros.com), organized by ACCE (Spain).
The members vote each year which beer style to compete in.
Częstochowski Konkurs Piw Domowych Bractwa Piwnego, organized by Bractwo Piwne (Poland).
Organized in the city of Częstochowa, Poland. Usually three different categories (in 2023 Catharina Sour, East Coast IPA and Extra Special Bitter).
GBBF Homebrew Competition (gbbf.org.uk/homebrew), organized by CAMRA (UK).
Organized in connection with Great British Beer Festival.
Polish Homebrewing Championships (pspd.org.pl/konkursy), organized by PSPD (Poland)
PSPD organizes also many other homebrewing competitions throughout the year.
Valtakunnallinen Kotiolutkilpailu (olutliitto.fi/toiminta/valtakunnallinen-kotiolutkilpailu), organized by Olutliitto (Finland).
Finnish National Homebrewing Competition organized since 1995.
